A thought.

Fountains of light shimmered from the glassy skyscrapers across the deep blue water that engulfed the city. People were buzzing, shuffling, snuffling hurriedly to wherever they needed to be. Purpose is what keeps us going. Not many people acknowledge passing people. It’s hard to find a smile and when it comes, it surprises you. Little things all add up to create the big things that shape us.

Author: Tommy-Girl

Insta: thomasin_2

One thought on “A thought.”

  1. It is so coherent and cohesive; moreover, it clears my mind to see my scattered thoughts of understanding and leads me to reorganizing my thoughts to understand that “to get to the center of a circle, we need to notice everything in circumference. Therefore, as it has an impact on my way of thinking, I really appreciate your thoughtfulness emerged in your writings!


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